We are not a church community made up of perfect people, but we know that Christ can change anyone who believes in Him and turns away from their sins. The gospel has the power to transform lives and save sinners. We know that true transformation comes by God’s grace and hearing the gospel message. We intend to learn the gospel, live out the gospel, and teach others the gospel because through it anyone can come into a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus.


You can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant music and worship, compelling preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God. You can expect to find a place where creativity and fellowship come together to worship God in new and exciting ways. You can expect to be encouraged, challenged, convicted, excited and, most importantly, welcomed.


The mission of the GNCC is to bring lives to Jesus Christ by the acknowledgement that Jesus is the living God and our loving savior.  

We believe that the divine call of Good News Community Church is based on 4 Biblical Principles:

The Great Commission to spread the Good News and to evangelize Nampa, the Treasure Valley, and beyond.  

Worship of God.  

Building a body of saints being perfected in the image of His Son.

Meeting human need with ministries of love and compassion.The mission of the GNCC is to bring lives to Jesus Christ by the acknowledgement that Jesus is the living God and our loving savior.  

We believe that the divine call of Good News Community Church is based on 4 Biblical Principles:

The Great Commission to spread the Good News and to evangelize Nampa, the Treasure Valley, and beyond.  

Worship of God.  

Building a body of saints being perfected in the image of His Son.

Meeting human need with ministries of love and compassion.


Our vision is to be a church of grace-filled people, empowered for community transformation and new church formation, so that the Gospel is faithfully transferred from person to person and generation to generation.


We love to worship through music. Worship is a gift to show our Lord how much we love and honor Him. Expect to hear everything from hymns to the most recent contemporary music you hear on the radio and even some original music


  • The Bible is true, sufficient, and authoritative.
  • There is only one true God, Creator of everything, who is three distinct eternal persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit- Described as the Trinity.
  • All humanity, except Christ, is sinful and fall short of God’s standard on goodness.
  • The deserved penalty of sin is death and eternal separation from God.
  • Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, born of a virgin, sinless, and fully God and fully man.
  • Jesus Christ died on the cross to be a substitutionary sacrifice to pay the price for sin.
  • Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven, and will return to come back for the Church, the universal body of believers in Jesus, and to judge the world.
  • There will be a future resurrection of the dead. Only those who have faith in Jesus and turn away from sin will be raised to be with God for eternity. Those who do not turn from their sin and to Jesus will be raised to eternal punishment and separation from God.
  • Someone can only be saved from the God’s wrath to come by faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ and to turn away from sin, or repent, can be reconciled to God and be adopted by Him


Our services are held at Good News Community Church.

1203 7th Street North

Nampa, Idaho 83687

Service Times

Every Sunday - 9:30am & 11:15am

1203 7th Street North, Nampa ID. 83687

(208) 477-8600 •

Copyright 2024 Good News Community Church. All Rights Reserved.